NUA Launches Christmas Video Series


Following the huge success of the NUA film series that offers an engaging perspective on the Christian faith, Scripture Union Ireland has produced NUA Christmas. This three part video series provides a fresh perspective on the first Christmas and explores why it matters to us today that is ideal for use in schools, youth groups, churches and small groups. Join Sarah Campbell, Darren Bourke and Mark Murray on a unique and entertaining journey that highlights the true meaning of Christmas. 


Episode One: The Origins of Christmas explores the “why” behind the glitz and glam of Christmas, considering how the first Christmas fits with the narrative of the Jewish faith. The Jewish people had been awaiting a Saviour for thousands of years since his coming was foretold in the Garden of Eden. All their history had pointed towards this unique moment in recorded history!

Episode Two: The Unexpected Christmas explores how we eagerly look forward to Christmas each year. The people back then where waiting for the very first Christmas but when it arrived it was not at all what they were expecting! It was certainly a big surprise for Jesus’ mum, Mary, to find out she would be the mother of the Messiah. How did she and her fiancé, Joseph, cope with this news? And is there actually a donkey in the Christmas story?!

Episode Three: The Meaning of Christmas explores how our knowledge of the Christmas story often stops with the baby in the manger, but this episode explores what happened next, between the first Christmas and the first Easter. Viewers are invited to consider what they believe about the real meaning of Christmas.

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