Take a deep breath…

Ash Wednesday, 26 February


In the craziness of our modern lives, the season of Lent invites us to stop, to reflect and to take a breath, physically and spiritually. I’d love to invite each one of you to take a walk with me beside Lough Swilly in County Donegal… rain or shine, there is something about gazing out at the stunning expanse of water and sky that enables me to lift me eyes to the source of my help (Psalm 121). But as the trip to the north west can be quite an ordeal perhaps you can find your own haven!

As we journey towards Easter, my hope and prayer would be that you may find ways to take a breath… to still your heart and reflect on the One who gave up everything for us! Many churches and organisations provide resources or suggestions for Lent. Here’s two that we can recommend:

Footprints Daily Reflection for Lent

Sign up today for Christian Aid’s Footprints, a daily reflection based on a Bible passage, emailed to you every day through Lent.  Written by a whole range of Christians across Ireland and from some of the countries where Christian Aid is working, the reflections will inspire you to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God this Lent.  Sign up today at caid.ie/footprints.

Wake up for Lent

Why not consider waking up a few minutes earlier each day to prayer for Ireland?


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