Good news stories, prayer requests and opportunities to volunteer - all in a smartphone app
A new initiative hoping to prompt Irish people to think about the big themes of life
Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu becomes the first national leader of colour in a ‘mainstream’ church in Ireland.
“In our local church, we are in the process of a ‘listening’ exercise”
As we headed into our second “virtual” finding faith tour, we’ve been amazed to hear so many inspiring and encouraging stories.
“All too easily, we can become news junkies, overwhelmed with bad news and in a constant state of fear or depression about our world.”
“We see a God who listens attentively to our fears, disappointments, anger and frustrations.”
The ugly truth behind Ravi Zacharias’ global ministry. How well are we listening?
A new video resource for young people on the incredible events of Easter
A timely new book calls Christians to a deeper relationship with Jesus by cultivating the “secret place” relationship of a personal prayer life
We were amazed and often moved by the stories people shared in our My 2020 survey
A new resource for use in schools, youth groups, churches and small groups
The service centres around the themes of lament and hope