Building on a Great Legacy
Exciting changes at Scripture Union Ireland
(From the January - March 2020 issue of VOX)
Gareth Lynch is the new National Leader of Scripture Union Ireland. He spoke to VOX magazine about his excitement for this new role and for the work of Scripture Union:
Tell us about yourself:
I am originally from Mullingar, in the Midlands. I was a missionary kid and lived in Nepal for eight years until I was 12 years old. My parents worked with the Nepal Leprosy Trust. I completed my secondary school education in the Midlands and when I went to college, I had every intention of being a zookeeper. My work over the years has been everything from builder’s labourer, to financial services, to managing a Christian Retreat Centre. I never did end up as a zookeeper! I am married to Sharon and we have two young boys who are full of energy and keep us entertained.
When did you take over as National Leader of SU?
I became National Leader in August 2019. I am the first National Leader (in title anyway) - my predecessors were General Directors. I took over the role from Jim Donnan who was the SU’s Director for over 20 years. I’ve really valued Jim as a General Director during my time with SU (I joined in 2016). We have always had an excellent relationship and I think of him as a friend. So many doors have been opened during Jim’s time and Ireland is a different nation. Jim allowed SU to move with the times and has left a great legacy for us to carry in this next chapter. Jim is a great man for paperwork so he ensured that I was well versed in everything I needed. I’m extremely grateful to the SU team, council and volunteers for their support during this transition.
How does your faith shape the work that you do?
I really wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing without God in my life. This is both a huge responsibility but the lightest of loads, knowing that God only wants the best for me, won’t give me more than I can carry and that, though what I can offer is insignificant, He chose me. With that knowledge, I seek every day to be Christ-like and allow this to inform and guide my interactions and decisions.
Tell us about Scripture Union
The purpose and mission of Scripture Union Ireland is to work with churches, parishes and schools by creating opportunities for children and young people to have an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ and grow in their faith, through engagement with the Scriptures, so that they may serve their community and influence their world. To simplify this further, our heart is to come alongside churches, parishes and partners all over Ireland to equip them for mission in their community. We believe our future is in more intentional collaboration with these partners, after all, we’re called to the great CO-Mission.
Tell us the history of Scripture Union in Ireland?
Scripture Union was founded in 1867 and established in Ireland in 1896. In 1867, Josiah Spiers started “Special Services” for children in Islington, London. This idea grew rapidly to become the Children’s Special Service Mission (or CSSM). While on summer holiday at Llandudno beach in North Wales, Josiah drew the Bible text, “God is Love” in the sand for children to decorate. The enthusiastic response of the children started the first of many missions for children and families. In 1896, the Irish ministry of Scripture Union was born in Greystones – then known as the Greystones CSSM it became an annual event. CSSM still happens annually in Greystones and Dun Laoghaire. Some 600 children, young people and families from the local area and beyond attend this mission.
From small beginnings Scripture Union Ireland has grown to have a staff team of 11 and over 200 volunteers. We also have a retreat centre at Ovoca Manor in Wicklow. In 2019, SU worked directly with 10,000 young people through 25 camps and worked with over 100 schools residentially at Ovoca Manor and through in-school retreats. Additionally, countless others will have experienced one of our many resources such as NUA, “It’s Your Move” or “Luke the Book”.
How does SU serve the Irish Church?
““We want to do so much more!””
Today SU serves the Church by providing resources such as the NUA film series or making our retreat centre Ovoca Manor available at a low cost for church and youth groups. We want to do so much more! We want to come alongside churches and equip them to engage in mission, particularly in schools, by providing resources, training, support and experience. Scripture Union Ireland and the many organisations we partner with have many open doors, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
What difference does SU’s work make in the lives of individuals and groups?
This feedback came in from a parent after a school retreat in 2019, “She came home so uplifted and the couple of days have opened her mind and heart. She has struggled with religion, had no strong sense of faith and labelled herself as an atheist. We had a lovely conversation last night and she is now filled with such appreciation for her time with you as she felt it was so peaceful and relaxing (her words not mine) and that she is thinking more about beliefs and faith.” When a parent takes the time to contact us, it becomes really special and uplifting.
We work with many young people who have not stepped inside a church and are very dismissive of faith and are often very vocal about the fact. To see God soften hearts time after time and allow young people to become engaged in conversation about who Jesus is and what He did for them is why we do what we do. It keeps our team motivated to keep pushing on.
“I’m excited about the incredible legacy and foundation of ministry that SU has and the tangible sense that we are about to launch into something incredible.”
What excites you about your new role in Scripture Union?
I’m excited about the incredible legacy and foundation of ministry that SU has and the tangible sense that we are about to launch into something incredible. Being a Christian organisation in secular Ireland has many challenges. In the light of this, I am excited to see how God will use and direct us.
What are your plans for 2020?
Scripture Union Ireland has entered an exciting new chapter with a new leadership team, a new structure and a renewed vision. This leaves me with no doubt that there will be a lot of new things: new ways of doing things, new ideas, new relationships and new opportunities for ministry. The SU team is excited and we are encouraged when we see that same excitement stirring in the church and the many ministries we partner with!
NUA: Origins
As part of our NUA film series, we are also launching a new film series in March 2020 called NUA: Origins. This series is geared towards a younger age group, 11-14 years. The project will involve eight episodes looking at the nature of God and His Creation, the meaning of Jesus’s death, Jesus’s Resurrection, Prayer, the Bible, the work of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Church and living as a Christian. This will be another resource available to teachers, youth leaders, parish workers and individuals, that will help reach young people and encourage them to explore their faith.
How can churches or individuals get involved/partner in SU’s work?
SU is a volunteer organisation and without that dedication from people to give freely of their time, we would not exist! As a volunteer-led organisation, we exist to equip and resource people to do mission. We want to see young people engaging with their faith often, through different avenues, so if you and your community have a missional heart and would like to explore getting involved with youth ministry, we’d love to hear from you. There are many opportunities in your area, from assisting at a school retreat, running clubs, leading on an SU camp or assisting with some of the many maintenance requirements at our retreat centre, Ovoca Manor. Find out more at