Are we nearly there yet?
“Their time of waiting and wandering came to an end. Ours will too.”
Taking Care of your Mental Health
“Fear, anxiety and uncertainty may still be present. But they don’t have to rule.”
My 2020: Fresh Experiences
We were amazed and often moved by the stories people shared in our My 2020 survey
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“My resolutions are pretty much the same every year. They are various versions of - eat (less), pray (more), love (everyone).”
My 2020: A Time of Reflection
A taste of the reflections people told us about in the My 2020 survey
Christian Faith and the Coronavirus
Patrick Mitchel muses on our response to the ongoing pandemic
Helping The Most Vulnerable... Together
Irish charities unite to launch global coronavirus appeal
Measuring what Matters
Might this be the moment to consider what’s worth measuring in our churches?
How has your Church Responded to COVID-19?
We asked Christians around Ireland to tell us about worship, fellowship and outreach during the pandemic.
The Bible and the Bishop
The Rt. Rev Ferran Glenfield explores the Psalms in a weekly podcast
Wearing my Zoomday Best
“When recording, he might look dressed for church, but anything out of camera shot is better suited for digging the garden.”
Practicing Hospitality in a Pandemic
“Usually when we think of hospitality, it smells a lot like dinner.”