Absence of Home
"I know that Jesus would weep." A very personal experience of homelessness.
Ireland's Good News Crisis
Why our pro-life ethic must extend to the housing crisis and beyond
Rich Christians in an Age of Climate Change
Christian environmentalist Jonny Hanson argues that the Irish churches must address economic and ecological issues
Confession or Cover Up?
How do churches and Christian organisations respond when wrongdoing comes to light?
The Limitations of Human Rights
Avoiding an impoverished narrative that favours privilege and power
A Broad and Generous Interpretation of Human Rights
Evangelical Alliance Ireland Executive Director Nick Park discusses the role Christians can have in advocating for the rights of others
The Problem with Knowing you’re Right
“My problem is not that I’m right; my problem is knowing I’m right.”
Advent, Apocalypse and AIDS
ACET CEO Richard Carson discusses Advent, Apocalypse and AIDS on World AIDS Day
HOPE: It’s not just a buzzword
“They have to fight tooth and nail for things I have taken entirely for granted.”
Rebuilding Broken Lives
The former Irish Bible School has become a centre of hope and restoration
Body Image and the Irish Church
Sarah Marshall explores the issue of body image and how it impacts women within the church in Ireland
Jennifer’s Story
“Everyone is of unique and sacred value, whether they have a disability or not!”
Who owns Marriage?
Nick Park explores the definition of marriage in the light of constitutional changes
The Morals of Morality
“For me, this is not an argument or a controversy or a topic. It is a story... it is my story.”