Legacy - A Ministry for Fathers

Exodus announces the launch of a new ministry to support fathers.

Exodus has been working across Northern Ireland since 1997, standing with local churches to see generations of young people boldly following Jesus and becoming lifelong disciple makers. Under the leadership of Andy Lamberton from Donegal they have launched a new ministry for fathers called ‘Legacy’.  To work with local churches in providing programmes that help fathers invest in their sons and daughters at key moments in their lives. 

Andy Lamberton writes: It’s been my observation that the most defining influence on a young person's future is their family. The stats confirm overwhelmingly, this is the case. As a father myself, I’m wondering how I can be intentional with that influence. And how the church can provide opportunities for us fathers to invest in our children’s lives.

There is a crisis point in parenting during… you guessed it…  the teenage years. Fathers can often step back at this time. And I think we can safely say, as a culture, we do not do ‘coming of age’ well in Ireland: we send our kids to university and cross our fingers! 

The average teen now spends 7 hours and 22 minutes on their phone every day. And when I compare that to the amount of time I get to spend with my children I wonder what impact I can have or how I can regulate the impact the world is having on their young minds and hearts. 

As we watch our children come through Sunday School, their innocence encourages us, but knowing what’s coming their way, as they begin to navigate adolescence in secular Ireland with a smartphone in hand, they do not know what’s ahead of them. And as a father, I don’t know where to start. My wife, Debbie and I need the Body of Christ to help us raise our children in today’s world. 

‘Legacy’ has a vision to provide programmes for local churches that enable fathers to, instead of stepping back, step in just before the teenage years, empowering their sons and daughters for adulthood and a lifetime of following Jesus.

We believe fathers are more important than you think and we want to give them space to live out their calling in God’s kingdom. We would love to hear from churches across Ireland as we develop this idea and grow in our understanding. Or why not invite one of our ministry team to come and speak about the need for engaged fathers today?

Legacy Programmes


A day of activities and conversations both shoulder to shoulder and face to face. Creating memories to last a lifetime. These are designed to work well as an annual item in your church calendar. 

  • For Fathers and Son or Fathers and Daughters

  • Age group 11-14. (Dads can be any age!)

  • 12 pairs max.


Series of conversations for men in your church. Opportunity for fathers and father figures to share stories and struggles without taking themselves too seriously! 

  • Four sessions facilitated one month apart.

  • Can be done in partnership with neighbouring churches. 

To find out more or to book one of these programmes: email Andy at andy@exodusonline.org.uk.

Andy Lamberton is the director at 'Legacy' a ministry for fathers launching from Exodus. Married to Debbie, they worship in Fahan Presbyterian with their four children. His first book, 'Letters for Exiles' is out in June, with 10ofThose.


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